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Find out the whole truth about yourself!
Objective: to increase the participants' awareness of what Talent is and to make everyone discover their own personal talents
It is an educational experience in which a high level of inspiration blends with the harmony and joy of the spirit of the game.
​This Learning Map allows you to share profound reflections and develop the skills necessary to focus on your own Talents and those of your Team.
​In a market moment where 'good manners' are worth more than a good degree, the improvement of habits and behaviours that are put in place every day is an investment that allows the company to obtain an immediate return on investment, in terms of tangible results.
Why is it important to discover your talents?
Why play Time to Talent?
The Advantages for
The company
• With the Time2Talent path, the business climate and the effectiveness of people in their role will benefit.
• Continuing Talent Training facilitates delegation according to strengths, leading to the development of a stronger and more motivated team.
• Focusing on Talents creates a Winning Team
• A Winning Team Assists and Hugs the Customer
• When the Customer feels Supported… it is the Customer himself who Supports the Company