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Privacy policy


We thank you for visiting our site and for the interest you have shown towards WayOut Consulting and our services. To make you feel completely at ease, from a security point of view, when visiting our site, we take the protection of your personal data and their confidential treatment very seriously.


With these notes on data confidentiality, we would like to explain to you what data we collect and for what purpose we use them, naturally in full compliance with the regulations in force.

If you have any other questions about the management of your personal data, please do not hesitate to let us know by writing to  .


The continuous technological development, changes and modifications that will occur regarding our services, the legal situation and other reasons may require an update of our data protection information. We therefore reserve the right to change the terms of this document at any time, and we ask you to keep yourself informed about the current situation.


Legal Aspects


WayOut Consulting srl is the owner of the Portal, present at the web address

WayOut Consulting srl is based in Via Maria Malibran 47, 50127 Florence, VAT number 06224260486, and is registered in the Florence company register REA: FI-611137. The Portal consists of all the web pages belonging to WayOut Consulting srl and concerning, respectively, the various online activities of the same. The characteristics of use of the Portal are described below, which we recommend that you carefully read and keep. WayOut Consulting srl is free to modify and improve the following information at any time and without notice. The use of the Portal implies the acknowledgment of these indications. The ascertained violation of the conditions of use reported here may result in the prohibition to use the Portal itself. WayOut Consulting srl may, at its sole discretion, suspend or close this Portal, in whole or in part, without incurring any liability.


Trademarks and distinctive signs


All trademarks and distinctive signs published on the Portal are owned by WayOut Consulting Srl, or by third parties and, in any case, access to the site does not provide the Navigator with the right to use such trademarks and distinctive signs without the written authorization of the respective and legitimate owners. All the material published on this Portal is protected by intellectual property rights, in accordance with the current legislation on the protection of applicable copyright (in particular, the Berne Convention and the law 633/1941 and subsequent amendments). The documentation, images, characters, graphics, software and other contents of the site, as well as the presentation and processing of the same, and all the codes and format scripts to implement the site, are the property of WayOut Consulting Srl or of third parties, and are protected by applicable legislation. Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 5 of Law 633/1941 and subsequent amendments, the texts of the official acts of the State and public administrations, both Italian and foreign, possibly published, are not covered by copyright; nevertheless, the elaboration and presentation of the texts themselves are protected by copyright. Access to the Portal does not provide the Navigator with the right to appropriate, reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, in any form, even partial, the information contained therein, without the express written authorization of WayOut Consulting. Srl and / or the third party owner of the related exploitation and / or reproduction rights.




If third parties wish to make links from their sites to the sites owned by WayOut Consulting srl, the same allows them to be made, exclusively with the written authorization of the Owner, to the home page. The link to internal pages, through techniques, for example, of framing or deep-linking, scraping, data mining, is prohibited. Therefore, WayOut Consulting srl assumes no responsibility for the content and technical-operational methods of such external sites, especially as regards the aspects of computer security: in this regard, the user is required to protect himself with suitable anti -virus, as well as carefully inquiring about the policies established therein on the subject. Furthermore, each Internet site whose link is published on the Sites owned by WayOut Consulting srl has its own privacy policy, different and independent from that of WayOut Consulting srl, with respect to which the latter does not exercise any verification. Surfers are therefore asked to carefully read the privacy policies adopted on the sites whose link is published by the respective owners. In any case, in the event of any communications from surfers on the unreliability or illegitimacy of such sites, WayOut Consulting srl at its sole discretion, suspend the connection.




The Navigator is made aware of the fact that the transmission of data via the Internet cannot reach absolute security levels; it is the visitor's responsibility to take precautions with suitable computer protection mechanisms, as well as to verify the correctness of any data provided. The e-mail addresses present in the Portal belong to WayOut Consulting and are managed in accordance with the privacy policy of the same.




The texts, information, other data published on this Portal as well as links to other sites on the web are for information purposes only and do not assume any official character. Should the Portal present inaccuracies, errors and omissions in the information published, it should be noted that WayOut Consulting srl assumes no responsibility for direct or indirect damages and in any case reserves the right to intervene, at any time, making corrections, changes and improvements. to the Site. This Site does not contain editorial products nor can it be configured as a newspaper and the dissemination of material within the Portal is not in any case periodic, as it is subject to the availability of the material itself.


Miscellaneous Provisions


The aforementioned limitations of liability are not intended to limit the liability of WayOut Consulting srl or to exclude it in cases where it cannot be excluded or limited under the applicable national law. Please note that by accessing this site you and WayOut Consulting srl, unless otherwise provided, agree that the laws and regulations of the Italian State will apply to all matters relating to the use of this website.




For more information, the Data Controller or the Data Protection Officer can be found at the headquarters in Via Maria Malibran 47 - 50127 Florence -  mail to:

I, the undersigned

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Communicating and Delivering Value, with Speed and Excellence
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How can we help you?

If you have any questions regarding any of our services, please feel free to contact us.



Via Maria Malibran 47

50127 - Florence


Tel. +39 055 328995




Via al Lago 38

6918 - Figino - Lugano


Tel. +41 91 6820003


Confidentiality in WayOut is an essential value, which is why we prefer not to reveal the names of the customers who rely on us.


To demonstrate our competence and our reliability there are other ways, let's meet and get to know each other better.

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WayOut Consulting srl – Iscrizione all'Albo Informatico delle Agenzie per il Lavoro - Sezione 4 - presso il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche SocialiAutorizzazione Ministeriale Protocollo 39/0001039

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