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Improve to be the Best
Today more than ever there is a need for leaders


"There are dozens of ways to lose a race. Only one to win it"

Charles Bukowski


Why the Leadership Academy?

Today more than ever there is a need for leaders. Authentic people who know how to involve, engage the skills and instill the passion to achieve success and give stability to Organizations.


If this is your goal, the WayOut Leadership Academy will give you the right method and the best attitudes to transform your ambition into performance.

Perché la chiamiamo


Oggi più che mai c’è bisogno di Leader. Persone autentiche che sappiano coinvolgere, ingaggiare le capacità e instillare la passione per realizzare successo e dare stabilità alle Organizzazioni.


La WayOut Academy non è solo una scuola di formazione aziendale; è un'eredità di eccellenza e innovazione.

Ispirata dalle Accademie di Platone e Aristotele, la nostra missione è sviluppare leader completi, dotati non solo di competenze tecniche, ma anche di qualità umane come l'intelligenza emotiva, l’empatia e la capacità di costruire relazioni solide.

La nostra formazione olistica si basa su un apprendimento che va oltre la teoria, integrando pratica e case studies per un'educazione profonda e trasformativa. Offriamo percorsi personalizzati, rispondendo alle esigenze specifiche di ogni studente e puntando a formare leader etici e responsabili, con un forte focus sulla governance aziendale e sulla responsabilità sociale.

La WayOut Academy è un luogo di comunità, collaborazione, e innovazione continua, dove studenti e trainer condividono esperienze e conoscenze in un ambiente di supporto. Ogni percorso è un dialogo, un'analisi critica e una soluzione a problemi reali, seguendo l'esempio di Aristotele.

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What we will do together


A path that includes up to three years of training, organized over 2 days a month for 11 months a year. A specific program and a trainer who will follow you step by step to identify the most effective tools and help you develop the skills you will need for your personal and professional growth.

In complexity, whoever thinks of doing everything alone loses. Whoever it is.

We will build your success together


WayOut is a consulting and training company specialised in transforming Talent into Performance.


​With us you will become aware of your potential and you will have effective tools to improve yourself and convert your results into stable success.


​We will use our Strength Analysis Test to give you a clear picture of your assets and to make sure your training becomes the tailored suit that will make you unique.

Put your strengths into practice!


How is the Leadership Academy structured?


The Academy was designed with two distinct purposes:


•  Give you the tools to be able to develop and apply an effective Leadership style


•  Give you the experience of sharing what you will learn with people who follow the same path as you in a protected and private environment

A Leader is like a gardener.

In the seed he sees the flower and sees the fruit.

The study programs


  22 training days (2 days / month for 11 months)


  Coffee break and light lunch service


  Permanent access to exclusive teaching material  




  Dedicated learning tests


  Dedicated coach 1 hour / month


  WayOut Leadership Academy welcome kit


  Access to the Leadership Community


  Participation plaque

Do you want more information?

We help companies grow,
Communicating and Delivering Value, with Speed and Excellence
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How can we help you?

If you have any questions regarding any of our services, please feel free to contact us.



Via Maria Malibran 47

50127 - Florence


Tel. +39 055 328995




Via al Lago 38

6918 - Figino - Lugano


Tel. +41 91 6820003


Confidentiality in WayOut is an essential value, which is why we prefer not to reveal the names of the customers who rely on us.


To demonstrate our competence and our reliability there are other ways, let's meet and get to know each other better.

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WayOut Consulting srl – Iscrizione all'Albo Informatico delle Agenzie per il Lavoro - Sezione 4 - presso il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche SocialiAutorizzazione Ministeriale Protocollo 39/0001039

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